
I was born in the 80s in Bergamo, Italy.
I hold a bachelor degree in industrial engineering and a master degree in computer science from University of Bergamo, Italy.
During my master, I focused on information systems, mobile development and HCI. Aimed by the interest in emerging fields of ubicomp, tangible user interfaces and inspired by Dourish’s work on embodied interaction; I’m now enrolled in the Ph.D. programme at the department of Computer Science of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). In the last year I’ve been a visiting researcher at City London University and MIT.

My CV is available on request.


  • May 2010 – Present. Ph.D. in Computer Science Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway) Main research theme: “Token-based interaction with embedded digital information”. My ongoing research is described here.
  • March 2006 – December 2009. Master Degree in Computer Engineering Università degli studi di Bergamo (Italy) Participant of Erasmus lifelong learning programme for six months at NTNU. Working topics: software engineering, multimedia signal processing, information security. Master Thesis: “A mobile extensible architecture for implementing ubiquitous discovery gestures based on object tagging”. [pdf]
  • October 2002 – March 2006.
    Bachelor Degree in Industrial Engineering
    University of Bergamo (Italy)
    Final Project: “Outsourcing of Informatics process, an analysis driven by the Total Cost of Ownership evaluation”. Available on request.

Work Experience

  • July 2009 – October 2009, February 2010.
    Internship at NTNU, department of Information and Computer Science
    Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway)
    Designing and Implementing software modules for the European founded (IST-FP6) project ASTRA, (Awareness Services and Systems Towards Theory and Realization) and the UbiCollab project. UbiCollab is a technological platform for supporting mobile pervasive collaboration.



  • Methodology: ethnographic research, user-centered design (ISO18529), rapid and video prototyping, usability testing.
  • Toolkits: Arduino, Processing, Raspberry pi, OpenCV, Object tagging
  • Software: C/C++/Objective-C, Java, OSGi, HTML/CSS, PHP, UML
  • Hardware: fundamentals of digital and analog electronics, e-textiles
  • Publishing and demos: LaTeX, Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop, Final Cut
  • Project Management: WBS, GANTT, LRC, PERT